Walking Through the Bible: 2 Corinthians 12-13

Paul had much to boast in. Not only in His authority as an apostle, but in his gifting in Christ (2 Corinthians 12). He also had experienced something few others had. It may appear uncertain that it was Paul himself and not someone else, but his reluctance to boast about it indicates it was him who was caught up to the third heaven.

There he saw and heard things we can only speculate on. As it was he remained silent. The Lord allowed a “thorn in the flesh” to keep him humble (V7). Infirmities are not always a negative. When we are weak we can be strong (V10).

Paul’s authority was seen through the many signs, wonders, and mighty deeds done through him (V14), yet, he didn’t use his gifts to bring glory to himself, but to love on the church as we all should.

Nevertheless, when Paul came, if he found carnality in contentions, jealousies, backbiting and conceit and not repentance, he would use his authority to deal with those who practiced such things (V21) and established through witnesses (2 Corinthians 13).

Therefore, he urged them to examine and test themselves to see if they were in the faith and in Christ (V5). But he trusted they would not be disqualified. Paul would rather be gentle with them and not resort to sharpness (V10).

In closing, he commended them to the grace of the Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit (V14).

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