Walking Through the Bible: Ephesians 4-6

We must walk worthy because of what Christ has done for us (Ephesians 4). Paul suggest our lives should reflect humility and gentleness and patience bearing with others in love (V2).

The work Christ has done, and does in us, doesn’t elevate us above others. In the flesh this is hard to do so we must keep the unity of the Spirit and work the gifts He has given us for the edification of others, not ourselves.

Leaders in the church are charged with instructing others, equipping them to do the work of ministry (V12). Our lives are different because of Christ and we should live differently (V17) putting away lying, anger, stealing, and corrupt speaking so as not to grieve the Spirit in whom we are sealed for the day of redemption (V30), imitating Christ (Ephesians 5) by putting away all uncleanness remembering that those who practice such things have no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ.

It is because of these things that God’s wrath is coming. We are no longer in darkness but walk in the light of the Lord. As the light exposes darkness our lives should change accordingly, walking circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise (V15), understanding what God’s will is.

We submit to the Lord, and through Him, to each other. Husbands to wives, wives to husbands, children to parents, employees to employers as service to the Lord (Ephesians 6).

Faith should be worn as armor (V11). Not one piece of our spiritual protection should remain unworn giving ourselves to prayer with all perseverance and supplication in the grace we have received in Jesus (V24).

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