Walking Through the Bible: John 17-19

Chapter 17 is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus. It is an intercessory prayer. Jesus prayed for His disciples and for those who would become His disciples through their ministry. It is remarkable to think, tas Jesus faced His coming death, that His thoughts were on us.

When He finished, He lead His disciples across the Brook Kidron to a garden (John 18). There He was arrested by the troops and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees lead by the traitor Judas.

Eventually Jesus was brought before Pilate. Though Pilate found no cause to condemn Jesus to death he gave into the people, released a known murderer in His place, had Him scourged, and delivered Jesus to be crucified (John 19).

Jesus’ final act was ensuring His mother would be cared for and so He placed her in the care of John (V25). A short time later Jesus said, “It is finished”, and died.

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