Walking Through the Bible: Amos 1-2

Amos was a herdsman, yet God used him to bring a word to Israel’s enemies. He, along with Hosea, preached to the northern tribes.

According to Amos, Damascus, and other nations, were to experience God’s wrath (Amos 1:3). The message was virtually the same for each nation mentioned because of multiple transgressions agains God and against His people Israel.

Those that curse Israel will themselves be cursed (Genesis 12:3). So it was with Gaza, Edom, Tyre, Ammon, and Moab (Amos 2). But then the word turns to Judah because of their transgression of turning away from God’s word. Israel will also be judged (V6) because of how they treated the righteous and the poor. 

We might point the finger at another because of transgression, but do we consider our own transgressions? What if the Lord turned His gaze on us? Would we stand? God’s people should know better. 1 Peter 4:17 warns, we will not be excused. If God punishes us, what will be the punishment of those who do not obey the gospel?

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