Walking Through the Bible: John 5-8

Attending a Jewish festival in Jerusalem Jesus healed a man at the pool called Bethesda (John 5) which brought Him into conflict with the religious leaders because He healed on the Sabbath (V10) and they began persecuting Him (V16). Making matters worse, Jesus called God His Father so they began trying to kill Him because He Made Himself equal with God (V18).

Jesus came to give life. As He told the woman at the well He could provide living water, He told the crowds who followed He was also the bread of life (John 6). To find life, it wasn’t enough to nibble this bread, but to eat heartily from it (V51).

But He wasn’t done. He also said they had to drink His blood to gain eternal life (V54). He said this that those who desired eternity with God should identify with Him in word, thought, and deed (V56).

This was too much for some and they stopped following Him (V66). Some, like His disciples, saw He was the source of life, others didn’t, or didn’t want to listen instead trusting in their own understanding. Even His own brothers didn’t believe in Him (John 7).

Though there was controversy about Him (V25-36), Jesus didn’t change His message to make it more palatable for people, but continued to call to people to come and drink (V37-38).

Returning to the temple the next day the Pharisees brought a woman caught in the act of adultery and challenged Jesus about the law which says adulterers should be stoned (John 8). Jesus simply replied, “The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her” (V7).

We are all sinners and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). If we want Jesus to condemn anyone then we must be prepared to be condemned because we have all broken the law of God.

Jesus is the light of the world. In the light we can clearly see our own sin and that we are deserving of death (V12). But if we fail to see this then we are in darkness and remain a slave to sin. Jesus came to set us free from sin and death and condemnation and judgment. 

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