Walking Through the Bible: John 9-12

As if to illustrate what He had said previously, Jesus heals a man who had been born blind (John 9). Once again this brought Him into contention with the Pharisees because He had healed the man on the Sabbath.

Interrogating the man they asked how he had received his sight. He told them what Jesus had done. Disbelieving him they questioned his parents who confirmed he had been blind from birth. But still they didn’t believe and reviled the man stating they were disciples of Moses and didn’t know where Jesus was from (V29). Claiming they could see they showed just how blind they were as they condemned the former blind man and cast him out of the synagoge. Later, Jesus found him and revealed Himself as the Son of God. The man saw, believed, and worshipped Jesus.

Jesus regarded the religious leaders as false shepherds, thieves and robbers while He was the True Shepherd, the door for the sheep who hear His voice (John 10). His works revealed who He was, but they were too blind and deaf to understand and tried to stone Him because He had said He and the Father are one (V30).

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead a few days later (John 11), the chief priests and Pharisees, began to actively plot to put Jesus to death (V53), and not only Jesus, but Lazarus as well (John 12:10).

A week before the Passover, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the crowds celebrated His coming, infuriating the Pharisees even more. The time was at hand for Jesus to be glorified. But not in a way anyone would expect. Jesus told the people gathered how He was to die, but they didn’t understand what He meant. 

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