Walking Through the Bible: John 13-16

Jesus knew His hour had come so He spent His remaining time with His disciples (John 13). In a show of love for them He washed their feet. Peter objected at first, but Jesus said if he didn’t Peter had no part with Him.

Sin makes us unclean. There are things we can do to cleanse ourselves, but like our feet, there are some things that are hard to clean. We need the cleansing of Jesus to wash us completely from all the filth of the world which clings to us.

The love which Jesus showed His disciples was the love they were to show the world (V34-35). While they may not have fully understood all Jesus related to them that evening, He set their minds at ease by encouraging them to maintain their faith in Him (John 14). They would always have a place with Jesus (V3).

In Christ they had seen the Father (V7). In His name they would do greater works (V12). They would not be left alone, but would receive another Helper, the Holy Spirit (V16). They, and all believers after them, were to keep His word (V21, 23) if they truly loved Him. They were to abide in Him (John 15) and bear much fruit no matter what came against them (John 16).

It wouldn’t be easy, but through the Holy Spirit, and their testimony, the whole world would come to know Jesus (V8). In Christ they would overcome the world (V33).

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