Memorial of Prayer…

Read: Acts 9-10
Marked: Acts 10:4, And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.

When I pray am I assured the Lord hears my prayers or is there even a smidge of doubt? Do I cast up my prayers hoping the Lord hears and acts or do I have certainty He does?

This verse reminds me that God consider each prayer, petition, and request of mine with deep foresight and knowledge and considers them precious memorials to the faith of His child.

Revelation 5:8 says the prayers of the saints are like incense burned before the throne of God filling that Holy place with the sweet aroma of the hopes, wants, and needs of God’s redeemed.

When I come into glory will I be shocked to see memorials to prayers I thought God never heard let alone answered or were prayed in unbelief or with little faith?